Brandy and Gin | Kansas City Wedding at Drexel Hall

Love. If there’s one thing the world needs more of, it’s love. But there was certainly no shortage of it at Brandy and Gin’s recent wedding. These two love each other something fierce, and we were so honored to be present as they pledged their lives to one another in front of all the people who matter the most to them.

It was a lovely and simple day, filled with all the things that matter, and nothing else. Just how we like it. Everything took place at Drexel Hall, and every moment, from their first “look” [er. . .butt grab] to the very last dance was just perfect.

Was the day without any hiccups? Nope. Just like every other wedding in the whole freaking history of the world. But when all was said and done, the only thing that mattered was love. And they’ve got enough of that to last a lifetime.

Ceremony + Reception | Drexel Hall

Flowers | D'Agee & Co.

Cake | Kristin Furnish

DJ | Debby Z & Company

Dress | Lanea Grace Bridal

How would you celebrate love on your wedding day? We’d love to find out!