To Album or Not to Album?



All of our clients, at some point in their planning process, eventually have to make the decision of whether or not to include a wedding album in their photography collection.  We believe very strongly in the importance of albums, so we do everything we can to make it as easy and as feasible as possible, for as many people as possible, to be able to have one.  Pre-wedding discounts, split payment plans, complimentary spreads, etc.  When all is said and done, one of the most important things to us is for each and every one of our clients [and their families] to have their wedding story printed, in a format that will never go out of style or be unusable.Andrew Funderburg said it best.  "We are creating albums for the legacy of the family.  There is no other photography format in the world that lasts longer than albums. Any photo that you hang on a wall – whether it be canvases, long-lasting fine art inkjet or traditional prints behind a frame – won’t last as long as prints inside a book. Print longevity is all about lightfast and prints in books are protected from light. We are preserving our clients’ legacies – for them, for their children and their grandchildren. With albums, we are preserving their legacy the safest way possible, in a way that will last hundreds of years."

We have had many clients over the years come back later to buy albums [at a cost much higher than it was at the time of their weddings] and say that they regretted not including one in their collection.  But we have never had one...not one... regret getting an album.



You will receive hundreds of final images from your wedding day, and all of them are important.  But there will be a smaller group of those photos that will really scream at you.  Pull at your heartstrings.  Make you laugh and cry.  Those images deserve to be put into a story and printed.  For you and now.  And for your children and the future.  It is one of the best gifts you could ever give yourself and your family. Read more here: